Business Areas

Financial Device Design

Designing Financial Solutions with User Convenience in Mind

Muyamigo designs and implements various financial solutions, including digital desks, gift certificate dispensers, digital safes, and ATMs.

Unlike automobiles, digital financial devices are primarily installed in indoor environments and are products with frequent user interactions. When selecting physical materials, durability, scratch resistance, and chemical resistance are important considerations. The material properties and aesthetics of user interface-related components, such as touchscreens, card readers, and bill and coin handling devices, are also crucial. Muyamigo applies a systematic process from concept design to package design and layout design to maximize product completeness. We pay close attention to detailed component design, such as molds, sheet metal, and internal cabinets. We ensure the highest quality throughout the entire process, including the selection and application of dynamic components like hinges and stays, design review and verification, and the creation and modification of part, welding, and assembly drawings.

Muyamigo has successfully collaborated with Hyosung TNS, a global comprehensive financial solutions and services company, to carry out innovative financial device design projects. We will continue to accurately understand our clients' requirements and provide innovative and reliable design solutions to maximize customer satisfaction and contribute to the development of the financial industry.

Main Design Offerings

  • Digital Desk (Digital Banking Solution) Design: Crafted as a groundbreaking product with a user-friendly interface and a wide array of functionalities
  • Gift Certificate Dispenser: Delivers a seamless user experience through a kiosk-based platform
  • Digital Safe: Develops an automated system for secure and efficient management of cash and gold bars
  • ATM: Incorporates an optimal design that prioritizes both user convenience and robust security measures




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차량 컨셉 · 타겟 고객층 분석

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시트 사양 · 원가 목표 설정

- 차급별 · 트림별 시트 사양 및 옵션 구성
- 원가 목표 설정
- 구매 팀 협의 및 소싱 전략 수립

Ic Right Arrow

시트 레이아웃 · 패키지 설계

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인체공학 · 안전성 기준 검토



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시트 스타일링 디자인 스케치

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3D 모델링 · 시트 형상 설계

- 2D 드로잉 기반 3D 형상 모델링
- 곡면 질감 표현
- 디자인 의도 구현 검토

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디자인 검토 · 최적화

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클레이 모델 제작 · 디자인 검증


설계 엔지니어링

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차체 연결부 설계

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구조 해석 · 강도 내구성 검증

- CAE 모델 구축
- 강도 · 강성 · 내구 해석
- 최적 두께 및 소재 선정
- 골격 형상 최적화

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기구 설계

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트림 설계


시험 및 검증

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내구 시험

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진동 시험

- 가진기를 활용 주행 중 시트 진동 재현
- 시트 진동 전달률 평가 통한 승차감 최적화

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충돌 시험

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인체공학 시험


양산 준비

Ic Right Arrow

금형 제작 · 부품 양산 준비

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조립라인 구축 · 생산 프로세스 최적화

- 생산 현장 작업성 고려한 조립 공정 설계
- 생산 자동화 검토
- 물류 동선 최적화

Ic Right Arrow

품질관리 계획 수립 · 검사 기준 마련

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양산 파일럿 런


양산 · 개선

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양산 · 공급망 관리

Ic Right Arrow

시장 품질 모니터링 · 개선 활동

- 출시 초기 시장 품질 피드백 대응
- 문제점 분석 후 설계 · 공정 개선
- 품질 확보 위한 지속 모니터링

Ic Right Arrow

고객 요구사항 반영 설계 변경

Ic Right Arrow

원가절감 위한 VA/VE 활동




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Vehicle Concept & Target Customer Analysis

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Seat Specification & Cost Target Setting

- Configuration of seat specifications and options by vehicle class and trim
- Setting cost targets
- Consultation with purchasing team and establishment of sourcing strategy

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Seat Layout & Package Design

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Review of Ergonomics & Safety Standards



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Seat Styling Design Sketch

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3D Modeling & Seat Shape Design

- 3D shape modeling based on 2D drawings
- Expressing surface textures
- Reviewing the implementation of design intent

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Design Review & Optimization

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Clay Model Production & Design Verification


Design Engineering

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Body Connection Design

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Structural Analysis & Strength/Durability Verification

- Establishing CAE models
- Analyzing strength, stiffness, and durability
- Selecting optimal thickness and materials
- Optimizing frame shape

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Mechanism Design

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Trim Design


Testing and Verification

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Durability Testing

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Vibration Testing

- Reproducing seat vibrations during driving using a shaker
- Optimizing ride comfort through evaluation of seat vibration transmissibility

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Crash Testing

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Ergonomics Testing


Preparation for Mass Production

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Mold Production & Parts Mass Production Preparation

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Assembly Line Construction & Production Process Optimization

- Designing assembly processes considering workability at production sites
- Reviewing production automation
- Optimizing logistics flow

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Establishing Quality Control Plans & Inspection Standards

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Mass Production Pilot Run


Mass Production & Improvement

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Mass Production & Supply Chain Management

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Market Quality Monitoring & Improvement Activities

- Responding to market quality feedback in the early stages of launch
- Analyzing problems and improving design and processes
- Continuous monitoring to ensure high quality

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Design Changes Reflecting Customer Requirements

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VA/VE Activities for Cost Reduction




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Defining Financial Equipment Concept & Requirements

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Establishing Specification and Budget Plans

- Determining key specifications (functions, performance, design, etc.)
- Establishing development schedules and budget plans

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Reviewing Regulations & Standards

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Feasibility Review and Risk Analysis



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Hardware Design

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Circuit Design

- Designing electronic circuits and PCBs
- Designing power and signal connections
- Establishing noise and interference countermeasures

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Software Design

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Thermal & Structural Analysis


Prototype Production & Verification

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Prototype Production

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Functional & Performance Verification

- Confirming fulfillment of requirements
- Functional and performance testing
- Identifying and correcting defects

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Reliability & Environmental Testing

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Certification & Compliance Testing


Preparation for Mass Production

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Mold & Jig Design

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Production Process Design

- Designing assembly processes
- Introducing automation equipment
- Optimizing production line layout

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Establishing Quality Control Plans

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Logistics & Installation Planning


Mass Production and Operation

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Mass Production and Quality Management

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Change Management

- Issuing and managing ECNs (Engineering Change Notices)
- Selecting discontinued parts and alternatives
- Managing design documents and BOMs

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Maintenance and Technical Support

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Warranty & After-sales Management