Success Stories

Bank Digital Safe Design


Hyosung TNS

Design Area

Financial Equipment Design

Project Period


Opening the Future of Financial Equipment

With the spread of the non-face-to-face financial trend, financial institutions are actively investing in the introduction of new technologies to increase customer convenience and maximize efficiency. The digital safe is an innovative financial device developed in response to these demands of the times.

Muyamigo successfully carried out an innovative digital safe system design project in collaboration with Hyosung TNS, a company specializing in financial equipment. The product is a digital safe where a robotized automation system manages cash, gold bars, and other assets that were previously managed by branch office employees. This project was a new challenge for both Hyosung TNS and Muyamigo, but by combining the expertise of both companies, it was possible to derive a highly complete result.

Implementation of Innovative Functions, Aesthetic Design, and Strict Security Policies

The digital safe is a product that must simultaneously satisfy innovative functions, aesthetic design, and strict security requirements, and there were various concerns and trials and errors in the design process. To overcome these challenges, Muyamigo applied a systematic process from concept design to package design and layout design, and paid close attention to the detailed component design, such as molds, sheet metal, and internal cabinets.

Managing Complex Assembly Processes and Efficient Production Support

In particular, due to the characteristics of the digital safe as a large-scale device, there were difficulties in schedule management and manpower input due to the large number of parts and complex assembly process. However, Muyamigo's skilled engineers effectively managed this and carried out the project without any setbacks. Muyamigo's technical prowess shone at every stage, including the selection and application of dynamic components such as hinges and stays, design review and verification, part and welding, and the creation and modification of ASSY drawings.

Prototype Verification to Enhance Completeness

During the project period of about 8 months, the completeness of the digital safe was enhanced by producing 3 sets of 9 sample devices. Through close collaboration with Hyosung TNS, improvements were promptly reflected and optimal solutions were derived.

Through this digital safe design project, Muyamigo demonstrated its expertise and design capabilities in the field of financial equipment. Muyamigo's ability to accurately understand the client's requirements and implement them with creative ideas and technical skills is expected to shine in various financial equipment design projects in the future.