Success Stories

Built-in Air Purifier for Vehicles



Design Area

Customizing Products

Project Period


For a Healthy and Comfortable Mobility Life

As air pollution, such as fine dust and yellow dust, becomes more severe, people are longing for a safe and clean indoor environment for a healthy life. In particular, improving the air quality inside vehicles, which directly affects the health of drivers and passengers, is emerging as an even more important task.

Through collaboration with auto&, a company specializing in mobility life, Muyamigo successfully designed a high-quality built-in air purifier that can dramatically improve the air quality inside vehicles. This project focused not only on protecting the health of drivers and passengers but also on creating a harmonious integration with the vehicle interior.

Achieving High Quality and Cost Reduction with Genuine Parts

Muyamigo's skilled engineers meticulously reviewed the backboard package of already mass-produced seats and carried out customized designs that utilized more than 50% of genuine parts. Although there were difficulties in matching between parts, Muyamigo's creative solutions and close cooperation with auto& made it possible to overcome these obstacles.

In particular, to ensure the safety of second-row passengers, interior fitting regulations were applied to the design to minimize the risk of injury. Additionally, a common design considering various seat specifications was applied to achieve both efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Low-noise Design Certification through Collaboration

As built-in air purifiers are sensitive to noise, low-noise design was one of the key challenges of the project. By collaborating with auto& and applying certified low-noise designs, Muyamigo was able to create a quiet and comfortable indoor environment not only while driving but also when the vehicle is stationary. This allows drivers and passengers to enjoy the performance of the air purifier while minimizing the inconvenience caused by noise.

Through this project of designing a built-in air purifier for vehicles, Muyamigo once again demonstrated its expertise and technical capabilities in the field of mobility. As air pollution caused by ultrafine dust becomes increasingly severe, Muyamigo is constantly striving to provide optimal design services to turn the interior space of vehicles into a clean space. In the future, Muyamigo will continue to closely collaborate with clients and explore innovative design methods to further enhance the quality of mobility life.

Commercialization of Vehicle Air Conditioner Heater Filters: The Change Made by SOP Filters

Muyamigo succeeded in commercializing vehicle air conditioner heater filters using SOP (Solid Oxygen Purifier), an innovative air purification technology. Through this project, a solution that can dramatically improve the air quality inside automobiles was provided.

SOP is an eco-friendly air purifier that effectively removes toxic gases, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), formaldehyde, and carbon dioxide from the air while simultaneously generating oxygen to purify the air. The unique mechanism of SOP can even remove bacteria and viruses in the air, making the interior of vehicles a more pleasant and healthier space.

Activated carbon filters, which have been widely used, have excellent odor absorption capabilities, but have the disadvantage of re-releasing absorbed odorous components and bacteria in high humidity or rising temperature environments, thereby contaminating indoor air. However, using SOP together with activated carbon filters can prevent this desorption reaction, greatly improving the performance and durability of the filters.

Muyamigo had to overcome various technical challenges to apply SOP filters to automobiles. During the composition development process to maintain the strength of SOP pellets, trial and error were experienced, and there was also the inconvenience of the pellet manufacturing process that required the use of large equipment. In addition, to secure performance suitable for the automotive environment, SOP compositions were continuously improved while conducting various experiments such as discharge tests.

As a result of these efforts, Muyamigo successfully commercialized vehicle air conditioner heater filters with excellent air purification performance and antibacterial effects. Moreover, Muyamigo holds a patent for an air purifier composition that simultaneously achieves antibacterial and oxygen generation, securing technological superiority.

Through this success story, Muyamigo demonstrated its expertise and innovation capabilities in the field of indoor air quality management for automobiles. In the future, Muyamigo will contribute to the development of the automotive industry by providing more effective and eco-friendly air purification solutions through continuous research and development.