- 차급별 · 트림별 시트 사양 및 옵션 구성
- 원가 목표 설정
- 구매 팀 협의 및 소싱 전략 수립
Business Areas
MuiAmigo provides interior and exterior design engineering services focusing on automotive seat design.
We focus on design and design engineering work based on close cooperation with customers, and in particular, we are proud of the highest level of expertise and competitiveness in Korea in seat shape design through 3D modeling at the design stage and mechanism design and trim design at the design engineering stage.
More than 60 skilled seat design professionals provide top-quality design services to domestic automotive OEMs and first-tier partners, and have received excellent reviews from customers through this. MuiAmigo has seat design experience for North American automotive OEMs and various electric vehicle (EV) models, which is a solid foundation for global business growth.
차량 컨셉 · 타겟 고객층 분석
- 신차 개발 컨셉 및 포지셔닝 분석
- 고객 니즈 및 시장 트렌드 조사
- 판매 지역별 고객 선호도 분석
시트 사양 · 원가 목표 설정
- 차급별 · 트림별 시트 사양 및 옵션 구성
- 원가 목표 설정
- 구매 팀 협의 및 소싱 전략 수립
시트 레이아웃 · 패키지 설계
- 탑승 인원 · 시트 배열 등 레이아웃 설계
- 차체 패키지 고려한 시트 설치 공간 검토
- 3D 데이터 활용 간섭 체크
인체공학 · 안전성 기준 검토
- 안전규제 및 인증시험 요건 검토
- 주요 경쟁차 벤치마킹 · 시트 승차감 목표 설정
- 사용자 경험 디자인 방향성 정립
시트 스타일링 디자인 스케치
- 디자인 콘셉트 설정
- 스케치 및 스타일 제안
- 차량 인테리어 디자인 조화 고려
3D 모델링 · 시트 형상 설계
- 2D 드로잉 기반 3D 형상 모델링
- 곡면 질감 표현
- 디자인 의도 구현 검토
디자인 검토 · 최적화
- 디자인 완성도 평가
(스타일 · 공간감 · 질감 등)
- 공법 · 원가 고려한 디자인 수정 및 최적화
클레이 모델 제작 · 디자인 검증
- 실물 크기 클레이 모델 제작
- 양산 디자인 최종 검토
- 경영진 디자인 승인
차체 연결부 설계
- 차체 플로어 연결부 설계
- 시트 고정 방식 설계 (볼트, 래치 등)
- 충돌 시 하중 경로 최적화
구조 해석 · 강도 내구성 검증
- CAE 모델 구축
- 강도 · 강성 · 내구 해석
- 최적 두께 및 소재 선정
- 골격 형상 최적화
기구 설계
- 조절장치 설계
(시트 틸트 · 높이조절 · 럼버서포트 등)
- 승하차 편의성 · 내구성 고려
- 모션 간섭 체크
트림 설계
- 시트 쿠션 · 등받이 내장재 설계
- 통풍 시트 송풍구 설계
- 트림 소재 선정 및 패턴 설계
TPO(Thermoplastic Olefin) · 직물 · 가죽 등
내구 시험
- 반복 내구시험 · 기구부 내구성 검증
(시트 틸팅 · 전후 슬라이드 · 리클라이닝 등)
- 시트 프레임 피로 내구 시험
진동 시험
- 가진기를 활용 주행 중 시트 진동 재현
- 시트 진동 전달률 평가 통한 승차감 최적화
충돌 시험
- 전면 · 측면 · 후면 충돌 시험
- 안전 성능 검증 (시트 고정부 · 헤드레스트 등)
- 법규 만족성 확인
인체공학 시험
- 정량적 평가 및 개선
- 다양한 체형의 피험자 대상
- 승하차성 · 착좌자세 · 장시간 승차감 등
금형 제작 · 부품 양산 준비
- 시제품 제작 통한 금형 완성도 검증
- 자동차 업체 공정 점검 (PPAP) 실시
- 협력사 품질 보증 활동
조립라인 구축 · 생산 프로세스 최적화
- 생산 현장 작업성 고려한 조립 공정 설계
- 생산 자동화 검토
- 물류 동선 최적화
품질관리 계획 수립 · 검사 기준 마련
- 초기 품질 관리 계획 수립
- 핵심 품질 지표 선정
- 공정 능력 평가 기준 마련
양산 파일럿 런
- 초도 양산품 품평
- 양산 이관 전 품질 검증 및 물류 프로세스 점검
- 조립 작업 교육 및 숙련도 향상
양산 · 공급망 관리
- 주문 · 생산 · 출하 일정 관리
- 협력사 품질 및 납기 관리
- 재고 최적화 통한 재고 비용 절감
시장 품질 모니터링 · 개선 활동
- 출시 초기 시장 품질 피드백 대응
- 문제점 분석 후 설계 · 공정 개선
- 품질 확보 위한 지속 모니터링
고객 요구사항 반영 설계 변경
- 고객 불만 피드백 분석
- 필드 클레임 원인 분석 · 대책 수립
- 설계 최적화 및 변경 적용
원가절감 위한 VA/VE 활동
- 원가 절감 아이디어 도출
- 원가 절감형 신소재 적용 검토
- 불필요 기능 · 부품 삭제로 원가 최적화
Vehicle Concept & Target Customer Analysis
- Analysis of new vehicle development concept and positioning
- Research on customer needs and market trends
- Analysis of customer preferences by sales region
Seat Specification & Cost Target Setting
- Configuration of seat specifications and options by vehicle class and trim
- Setting cost targets
- Consultation with purchasing team and establishment of sourcing strategy
Seat Layout & Package Design
- Layout design considering the number of occupants, seat arrangement, etc.
- Review of seat installation space considering the vehicle body package
- Interference check using 3D data
Review of Ergonomics & Safety Standards
- Review of safety regulations and certification test requirements
- Benchmarking of major competitors' vehicles & setting seat ride comfort targets
- Establishing the direction of user experience design
Seat Styling Design Sketch
- Establishing design concepts
- Sketching and proposing various styles
- Considering harmony with vehicle interior design
3D Modeling & Seat Shape Design
- 3D shape modeling based on 2D drawings
- Expressing surface textures
- Reviewing the implementation of design intent
Design Review & Optimization
- Evaluating design completeness (style, spaciousness, texture, etc.)
- Modifying and optimizing design considering manufacturing methods and cost
Clay Model Production & Design Verification
- Producing full-scale clay models
- Final review of production design
- Management's approval of design
Body Connection Design
- Designing body floor connections
- Designing seat fixing methods (bolts, latches, etc.)
- Optimizing load paths during collisions
Structural Analysis & Strength/Durability Verification
- Establishing CAE models
- Analyzing strength, stiffness, and durability
- Selecting optimal thickness and materials
- Optimizing frame shape
Mechanism Design
- Designing adjustment devices (seat tilt, height adjustment, lumbar support, etc.)
- Considering ease of ingress/egress and durability
- Checking motion interference
Trim Design
- Designing seat cushion and backrest interior materials
- Designing ventilated seat air vents
- Selecting materials (TPO (Thermoplastic Olefin), fabric, leather, etc.)
Durability Testing
- Verifying durability of mechanisms through repetitive durability tests (seat tilting, fore/aft slide, reclining, etc.)
- Conducting fatigue durability tests on seat frames
Vibration Testing
- Reproducing seat vibrations during driving using a shaker
- Optimizing ride comfort through evaluation of seat vibration transmissibility
Crash Testing
- Conducting frontal, side, and rear crash tests
- Verifying safety performance (seat mounting points, headrests, etc.)
- Confirming compliance with regulations
Ergonomics Testing
- Quantitative evaluation and improvement
- Targeting test subjects with various body types
- Evaluating ease of ingress/egress, seating posture, long-term ride comfort, etc.
Mold Production & Parts Mass Production Preparation
- Verifying mold completeness through prototype production
- Conducting automotive company's process inspection (PPAP)
- Conducting supplier quality assurance activities
Assembly Line Construction & Production Process Optimization
- Designing assembly processes considering workability at production sites
- Reviewing production automation
- Optimizing logistics flow
Establishing Quality Control Plans & Inspection Standards
- Establishing initial quality control plans
- Selecting key quality indicators
- Establishing process capability evaluation criteria
Mass Production Pilot Run
- Evaluating initial mass-produced product
- Verifying quality and checking logistics processes before mass production transfer
- Providing assembly work training and improving proficiency
Mass Production & Supply Chain Management
- Managing order, production, and shipping schedules
- Managing supplier quality and delivery
- Reducing inventory costs through inventory optimization
Market Quality Monitoring & Improvement Activities
- Responding to market quality feedback in the early stages of launch
- Analyzing problems and improving design and processes
- Continuous monitoring to ensure high quality
Design Changes Reflecting Customer Requirements
- Analyzing customer complaint feedback
- Analyzing causes of field claims and establishing countermeasures
- Applying design optimization and changes
VA/VE Activities for Cost Reduction
- Generating cost reduction ideas
- Reviewing the application of new cost-saving materials
- Optimizing costs by eliminating unnecessary functions and parts
Defining Financial Equipment Concept & Requirements
- Defining financial equipment concepts (ATM, Digital Desk, etc.)
- Analyzing client and user requirements
Establishing Specification and Budget Plans
- Determining key specifications (functions, performance, design, etc.)
- Establishing development schedules and budget plans
Reviewing Regulations & Standards
- Reviewing regulations and safety standards related to financial equipment
- Confirming accessibility and ergonomics criteria
Feasibility Review and Risk Analysis
- Reviewing technical and economic feasibility
- Identifying potential risks and preparing countermeasures
Hardware Design
- Designing the exterior and internal structure of financial equipment
- Defining the layout and interfaces of major components
- 3D CAD modeling
Circuit Design
- Designing electronic circuits and PCBs
- Designing power and signal connections
- Establishing noise and interference countermeasures
Software Design
- Designing operating system and application architecture
- UI/UX design
- Designing security and communication protocols
Thermal & Structural Analysis
- Thermal design
- Structural strength and vibration analysis
- Optimizing lightweight design and durability
Prototype Production
- Producing prototypes through 3D printing and CNC machining
- Assembling PCB prototypes
- Producing cases and exterior components
Functional & Performance Verification
- Confirming fulfillment of requirements
- Functional and performance testing
- Identifying and correcting defects
Reliability & Environmental Testing
- Environmental testing for temperature, humidity, vibration, shock, etc.
- MTBF and lifetime prediction
- Reliability evaluation
Certification & Compliance Testing
- Conducting relevant certification and compliance tests (EMC, safety, accessibility, etc.)
- Confirming compliance with legal requirements
Mold & Jig Design
- Designing molds and jigs for mass production
- Optimizing injection and press processes
Production Process Design
- Designing assembly processes
- Introducing automation equipment
- Optimizing production line layout
Establishing Quality Control Plans
- Establishing inspection criteria for components and finished products
- Evaluating process capabilities
- Preparing plans for preventing and responding to quality issues
Logistics & Installation Planning
- Designing packaging and transportation methods
- Defining on-site installation and maintenance processes
Mass Production and Quality Management
- Managing mass production schedules
- Incoming inspection and defective product management
- Process monitoring and continuous improvement
Change Management
- Issuing and managing ECNs (Engineering Change Notices)
- Selecting discontinued parts and alternatives
- Managing design documents and BOMs
Maintenance and Technical Support
- Providing installation and maintenance services
- Analyzing failure causes and establishing countermeasures
- User training and technical support
Warranty & After-sales Management
- Establishing warranty policies
- Parts supply and inventory management
- Recall and defect correction measures